Monday, January 25, 2010

Things I have learned from clicking the 'BlogSuivant' Button on Blogspot

1. Most people on blogspot have blogs to blog about their children and update their relatives about their lives
2. Their most recent blog updates are xmas and halloween where they posted pictures of their children in costumes and their xmas trees
3. All of these women are into crafting.
4. All of these women actually know how to use blogspot better than me and have better layouts
5. people really like quoting the bible.
6. people really like posting random poems.
7. I'm probably going to become all of these women (sans the bible quoting). kill me. I can't help it if I like crafting.
8. Nick said I could stop when I found this embeded into one of the blogs. Alas. We'll just have to post it here:

Things the wonderful Sophie gave me when she left Paris

1. an air matress (with an australian plug....anyone got a spare australia-europe converter hanging around?)
2. sheets for my new bed in the 11th!
3. 2 shirts
4. boots that i'm going to try to sell because they are a size too small
5. an umbrella
6. cooking supplies
7. a koala bear holding a tiny package of vegemite. yummm. (that was an actual present)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Strangest Late Night Encounter Thus Far

I literally just got home. But the backstory on this late night encounter is that I grabed one of the free newspapers for the metro ride home and then roled it up and shoved it in my boot. You could only see about the top inch of it, so most people would not notice it at all.

I am finally at my apartment's front gate and I'm typing in the pass code. It doesn't work. I'm a milisecond away from typing it in again and a 20 something guy comes up to me and says:

"lkjwljrlkwjelkjerw le journal?"

me: "Oui?" I take it out of my boot and I give it to him.

him: "Merci, madame, bon soirée."

Then I go upstairs. and that is where I am now. I don't know what happened. I love Paris. I keep having to fall in love with it again and again because for some reason I keep forgetting how wonderful it is. Things like this make me remember.