Monday, September 28, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Bicycle.

Adorable anecdotes on bike time!

Almost ran into a girl on a scooter because I thought I had the right of way! Funny story, I didn't!

Run over the same dead pigeon like 3 times in one week! Stellar!

Times I've almost been taken out by a car door: Twice!

Times I was almost accosted by drunk men: thankfully only once. that was super creepy.

And the best story of them all. How about two hours ago at 9:30pm I was biking back from class and I ran a red light since no one was around and got stopped by the police.
The interaction:
police (in french): stop. get off your bike. you just ran a red light.
me: huh?
police: you just ran a red light, right?
me: oui?
police: you just ran a red light? [repeating himself because he's super surprised that I just admitted to it, but hello - you just saw me do it]
me: attends....le bus? [as he stopped me at a bus stop and there was a large bus behind us trying to get in]
police: ok, get off your bike.

So I get off my bike and bring it up onto the sidewalk. He has to pull around the corner (because of the bus) which is like 100ft away but he can still see me. And since there are three cops in the car I figure one of them will come out and over to me since they told me to stay there. But they stupidly just starred at me for ten seconds to see if I would take off or something? And then I guess they were too lazy to get out of their car so they drove around the block and since Paris streets are all sorts of crazy it probably took them about a minute or two to get back around. So I took off. and biked for my life. so Mom, I will never ever bike through most of the red lights in Paris ever again.

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